NYC’s Best Movie Night at Bryant Park

NYC skyscrapers with a giant movie screen in the distance

NYC Nostalgia

In my latest trip to NYC, I realized how much I missed strolling through the streets of Manhattan. It was refreshing (well, not literally as the air did smell like garbage on this particularly HOT day) to walk in the hustle and bustle and let the city’s hum guide you. As I sat there munching on my baconeggandcheese– yes that is the proper way of saying it, I looked around to the skyscrapers, some new to my eyes and realized why it is that people from all over the world come to this city. The nostalgia of those tall buildings, the subway, the people are something that I took for granted, that at some point was my backyard. Something NYC never fails to have is entertainment. Byrant Park is a hub for it, including this summer’s movie screening every Monday night. Whether you live outside of NYC, or within, this is something definitely worth doing.

Bryant Park in Full Bloom

Bryant Park is located right behind the beautiful New York Public Library, which means there are plenty of sights to wander around and into. The park fit the perfect summer aesthetics, with trees in full bloom, the lawn was a green luscious rug, and the shining buildings above you. There are plenty of places to eat right around the park, but mostly chain brands. If you travel to NY, you have to enjoy the culinary wonders it has to offer. NYC is full of small restaurants that will blow your mind away just as much as its Michelin-rated restaurants. The park itself is spacious with plenty of tables and chairs, a few coffee and food stands, but most notable their carousel. This is a great spot to sit down and rest while exploring Manhattan as you’re not too far from other attractions such as Time Square, Rockefeller Center, the magnificent Empire State Building and other must-sees.

The Gorgeous Grand Central Station

Architecture of hallways and chandeliers of Grand Central Station

It seemed like the universe was aligned that weekend as some friends were interested in going for a movie night on the lawn. We decided to make it for the night showing of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. We are outside of the NYC area, but we are fortunate enough to have access to the railroad systems to NYC. If you’re ever interested in staying just outside of the city for some peace, I’d opt for a place close to the Metro-North or Long Island Railroad systems. Personally, I love these train rides, as they are about an hour long and let you see so many areas of Long Island or “upstate” NY (it’s not really upstate, but NYC people consider anything above Yonkers upstate). A ticket’s cost can range, but there is a way to check your fare on their website. I can assure you, it will be cheaper than an Uber or taxi. Bryant Park is located just a few blocks away from Grand Central station. Every time I walk into here, I find a new detail to appreciate. This time I took notice of the large chandeliers in the hallways, making me think of what a great place for a photo shoot.

Arriving Early to the Event

Luckily, our friends did their research and arrived eeaarrllyy… like three hours early. This was 100% the correct move as the line to get in starts building up quickly. There was even a race at exactly 5PM when the lawn opened up. They were able to grab some great seats as we had a good view of the screen, but more importantly were the right distance from the speakers. Bryant Park is quite large which means the speakers were ear-deafening loud. It is not recommended to sit right in front of the screen, unless somehow you can find some extremely muffling and protective ear plugs. We later learned that the best seats (in terms of comfort) are not on the lawn, but in fact on the back terraces as they have chairs and tables where you can sit.  

Must-Haves for a Perfect Night

If you decide to sit on the lawn, you should bring some towels or blankets, but you are not allowed to bring chairs. Sitting through a movie being surrounded by hundreds of people was quite tight and left us feeling like we needed a yoga session. I kept thinking that I needed something to lean back on. It was later with some research that I found this portable lounge mat that folds into a backpack. I don’t think I could exaggerate how convenient this would’ve been. 

For any fellow beach goers, this is a must-have item to have your car always packed up and ready to go to the beach.  This specific set brings two, however its price is relatively affordable as it is the same as the average price of one. It is also highly rated with over 4 stars, with highlights of the reviews being lightweight portability and the vinyl material that keeps sand off easily.

As we waited for the movie to start, we sat talking and munching and playing card games. It was quite like a giant picnic. We did come slightly prepared bringing a snack and wine cooler table. I was able to fit the giant bottle of wine, which was plenty for five of us, with some snacks inside. The cooler bag is very easy to set up and use, which was great as we kind of were putting it together on the go. It brings a reusable bladder to store the wine that connects to a spout. This was also completely mess free. The cooler bag is actually insulated, so our white wine stood perfectly chilled as did our other snacks. Being able to stay in our spot the entire time and not have to leave was necessary, because your other option was to tiptoe your way through an acre of people. Check it out here!

Bryant Park Summer Must-Do

The movie started at 8PM, a perfect time as the sun started to set and the visibility to the screen was key. The lights around and above us began to twinkle on, giving you a whole new appreciation for NYC’s skyline. The movie was a perfect choice, as its based in NY and really just set us up to want to fall in love in NYC. If you’re “upstate” and prefer to stay upstate, definitely check out the Warwick Drive In Theater, for an equally enjoyable and nostalgic experience.  As I sat in there awed by the view above us, I realized amongst all my escapes, NY will always be home and I can’t wait to join next year’s movie nights. Unfortunately the last showing was on August 12th, but considering this is the 31st season of this event, it is something we can hope will be available again next year. Check out Bryant Park’s website for their calendar and their other upcoming events such as dance classes, yoga and other fitness classes, and live music. 

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